Home » Furniture » 17th Century Furniture » Kitchen
A hen pen.
A cupboard with ventilation holes for dry goods and kitchen utensils.
A salting trough which was a wooden box kept in the kitchen for salting meat or fish for preservation.
Iron cooking pot with feet.
Pewter plates and spoons. The stoneware bellarmine flagon has a bearded face of a man on it.
A hanging cooking pot used for heating water, boiling clothes and brewing.
Pewter tankards- being relatively cheap pewter was the main metal for domestic tableware up til 18th century.Sometimes a set of pewter was referred to as a garnish, the worn out pewter could be melted down for new vessels.
A wooden turned bowl with a pewter spoons. Note the spoon and knife for eating, forks were uncommon in 17th century inventories.
A small barrel.
A spit.Iron rod or bar pointed at 1 end to impale the meat, stretched across the open hearth to roast food. Usually supported on cob-irons or standing dog-irons.
Horn beakers and leather jug.