Effie Goldsmith

Interviewed 28/9/84

MrsEffie  Stapleton, nee Goldsmith aged 84  Born 23.9.1900   Father : Frederick Goldsmith

Started in 1903, left in 1917.

Mr Donson had 2 rooms (1 teacher (Miss Shepherd) in other room)

Mrs Donson had room with gallery and small room.

She was by herself.  Babies in small room.

Steps (wooden) (no rail) up to gallery.

Seats in gallery  – benches

Lighting (presumably oil – but we never used lights)

No water, but sink in passage with bucket underneath for washing.

Cottage in playground lived in by pupil teachers   later cookery lessons

Home for dinner 12 -2 (9-12, 2 – 4)

Mr Langmore was the Vicar.  He visited, also Bob Davies, the farmer, from down the bottom.He was a Governor and always came to prize-giving (prizes for attendance)

Mr Donson went straight to his desk when he came in, turned the key, and took out his cane and laid it on the desk.  “         “ Didn’t hesitate to use it. Both very strict, but school was organised and happy – she didn’t mind going

Remembers at 9, one or two sewing afternoons with Mrs D – big chemises or nightdresses,  “all those long hems and it had to be done properly or she unpicked it.”

Folded, put into work bags and put away in box.

Desks –  six joined together.

Slates as infants, then pencil, then dip ink-wells.

You had to sit still, the benches were hard.  Boys’ entrance and girls’ entrance, but mixed playtime a.m. and p.m. One open fire – it was cold.  Teacher stood in front of it, so you couldn’t even see it.In bad weather, no macs or umbrellas, any boots available.  Coats on pegs in porch.

Did a lot of singing (nearly as much as writing!)

Drill in classroom (if fine outside sometimes).  A desk was pulled away from wall and we all marched round the room to keep warm.

Bible lesson first thing

Prize giving before summer break

On Empire Day, we went into the Bury  – ?, stories about the King etc.  Half day off.


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