Sir Joseph Priestley, K.C., Chairman of the Herts County Council, opened the new village Hall at Pirton on Saturday.
The new building is situated in the centre of the village and contains a hall capable of holding about 250 chairs with stage and dressing rooms, a billiards room and a domestic science room. The hall has a sound absorbent ceiling of semi-circular design. At the entrances are local grown oak pillars forming an attractive verandah. Mr. Russell, of Hitchiin, was the architect and Mr. W.G. Willmott, the builder. The building is heated with hot water pipes above and below head level to counteract draughts, with a separate boiler in the club room. Messrs George Jones & Sons, Hitchin, were responsible for the installation of the heating system.
Opening the hall took only a matter of seconds, Sir Joseph simply unlocking the main door and entering, a meeting then being held in the hall. Mr. P.B. Martineau presided and was supported by Sir Joseph Priestley, Alderman W. Graveson, Chairman, Herts Education Committee, Mr. E.R. Davis, C.C., Mr. T.E. Jones, Mr. Hubert Halley, Mr. W.G. Willmott, Mr W.H.Hanscombe, Mr. R.L. Bryant, Mr. Russell, and Mrs. Martineau.
The Chairman said it was through Mr. Bryant that the trustees of Rand’s Charity and also the Carnegie Trust were prevailed upon to make a grant towards the putting up of the hall.
They all had to thank Mr. Bryant for all the work he had put into the scheme.
Through the generosity of Mr Delme-Radcliffe, who had kindly given a piece of ground at the back of the hall, they would be able to have a tennis courts when they had sufficient funds.
Sir Joseph Priestley said that now they had that beautiful hall to meet in it would act like a magnet in the village. He thought Mr. Russell had made a most beautiful design. He congratulated him and them all and had the greatest pleasure in declaring the hall open – (applause). Alderman W. Graveson wished them every success in regard to the new hall. Mr W.H. Hanscombe made special references of thanks to the ???????? ????????? particularly Mr. F. Shepherd; the governors of the John Rand Charity and Mr. Arthur Linsell who had been exceedingly helpful; the National Council of Social Service, and the Herts Rural Community Council particularly Mr. D.J.Capper, who was unable to attend that day; the Carnegie U.K. Trust; Mr. Russell, the architect; Mr. Willmott; Mr. J. Goldsmith, who gave the clock for the hall; Mr. Delme-Radcliff; Sir Joseph Priestley and Alderman Graveson.
There was a large attendance at the concert in the evening, the hall being used for the first time after the opening. Members of the “Thespians,” Hitchin gave a delightful entertainment. Those taking part were Mrs. W. Willmott, Mr. Sidney Appleyard, Miss Muriel Barron, Miss Mollie Tonkys, Mr. and Mrs. Don Powell, Miss May Willmott, Mr. John Hall, Mr. A. Lloyd, and Mr. Will Allen. Afterwards there was a dance.